Grammar of good leader.

Be a cooperative person.

One would not be a good leader without been cooperative with team members. There is a popular story from the history of America. Once there were four men trying to lift a wood in forest area, the orders was given by the supervisor on how to lift the tree, but that four men thought it would be easier to lift that wood if they have another person to help, but the supervisor not ready to help them. One that way one man was come in a horse and help that men to lift the wood and ask the supervisor why he was not ready to help the workers, supervisor said he is lead for the workers, and it is not his job to work with them other than give orders. Rider in the horse similes and replied “I am George Washington ", I am superior to all of you and also ready to work with you, rather than not just give the orders”. Supervisor astonished for a second and felt sorry for his attitude.
So, the above story teaches us how to be a cooperative person in workspace.

Set goals.

One wouldn’t be a leader without know about the goals. Good leader should know about his/her next step and have proper understanding about their abilities. There should be proper planning to achieve the goals. A leader should not be stick around in a stand still situation. He must have the courage to move forward in any circumstances.

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Don’t criticize others if something goes wrong in your team, handle the situation and help your team to step out from that problem. You should not say it's not your mistake if someone in your team does that. A good leader doesn’t run away or deserted their team members in unfortunate event, he should be the first one who have to face the situation and own the responsibility.


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Share the victory.

It is important that a leader should share the victory with team members. He should not think that he is the only responsibility for the success. There are so many factors needs to form a success.

Gather strength.

Form a team of strong minds and ask their options and ideas to handle the situations. Solo man can’t able to achieve huge success. Gather team of skillful persons and work with them to achieve the goals.

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Self confidence is the key for the leadership. You can’t motivate others if you have not the courage to move forward.


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